Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Skin suits that don't require serial killing tendencies.

Sorry about skipping the blog yesterday, this week is hectic already and it's only Tuesday. Fortunately I am a master of multitasking and managed to fit this in while I do some final touches on a document that will enable illegal immigrants to take money from rich white people. It's what us college liberal-types do.

Back to the blog. Things are going extremely well and I'm feeling damn good. I've been right on track and I can certainly feel results.
I find myself wondering, though: When I get down to target weight, am I going to look like David Beckham or will I look like a normal guy wearing a fat guy's skin as a suit? I'm not belly-over-the-belt fat, but fat enough to be concerned. Well, vain enough, at least.

Enough with that line of thinking. I'll think of something funny to say later.


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