Monday, August 22, 2011

Day two: Electric Boogaloo

I'm up at 8 this morning, getting ready to help my grandmother put some things in her car for her trip back to Wisconsin. I honestly hate being up before 10am. Before you call me lazy, keep in mind that I do 99 percent of my work late in the day so there's no reason for me to get up with the sun. And yeah, I'm kind of lazy.
Regardless, I haven't given this chronicle a ton of thought yet, but I did come to the conclusion that blogging about my daily regimen and diet would be tremendously boring and repetitive so I'm not going to do it. Which leaves us with... pleh...
But really, I'll just give you my thoughts. First, nobody has ever used that "Electric Boogaloo" reference in a blog before. Second, shut up. Third, I'm near positive I've already lost several pounds in the last couple days because my almost-too-tight shirts are starting to yield to my gut finally. Nothing like some water weight to keep us motivated, no?
I'm one of those fat guys who everyone tells "you wear it well!", which really does me no service. I just don't have a lot of motivation to thin out. I'm fairly comfortable in my own skin (as long as my shirt is on) so shame doesn't really motivate me. I can get out and be active without absolutely dying so even my own fitness level deceives me at times because I never reach my limit and think to myself "wow, I'm out of shape".
The fact is, I am a pretty big guy overall. My wrists are as big around as my wife's ankles and my neck is like a tree trunk. Maybe that's why I "wear it well". Sheer proportion.
This brings me to a quick little gripe about BMI. I'm "morbidly obese" according to that standard, which, if you look at me, you'd never believe. I mean, I'm a chubster, but 'obese' hardly fits the bill. I can see my feet and my nethers. I have no trouble bending over to tie my shoes. I can comfortably sit in most any seat. And before you get at me about just deluding myself because I'm ashamed of my weight, bear in mind my incredibly in-shape brother, who is approximately my height and build (under the fat) is considered 'obese' at his 6-foot height and 225-pound weight. He's not football-player built either. He's just a six foot tall guy with a heavy frame and fairly solid musculature.
BMI was invented in the early half of the 1800s by a Belgian mathematician. I don't really see why it needs further explanation as to why BMI is a load of BS. Weight in general is a poor measurement of health, as it does not take into account muscle weight, bone weight, or in my case, brain weight.
But seriously, nineteenth-century Belgians are hardly the authority on weight.

So with that, I bid you adieu for the time being. Grandma called and said she managed to get her stuff into the car on her own, so I'm going back to bed.

1 comment:

  1. Actually I did blog about Electric Boogaloo once - but it was a beer.
    But fitting huh?
