Thursday, August 25, 2011

Muscle Dudes with Attitudes

So a friend of mine (by 'friend' I mean 'person on Facebook of negligible real-life context') decides to go on a rant this evening about how he hates "dykes" and essentially that he finds it ridiculous that a woman who "hates men" would want to look like one.
"But Pascual, what the hell does this have to do with your fat odyssey?" you're probably asking. Well the answer to that is, first, shut up; and second, he's the most swollen, thick-necked bodybuilder I've ever come to know. I mean this guy is competition-level buff (and I don't mean bodybuilding competition, I mean douchebag competition) - I've never known someone quite so built. This guy spends an average day on Facebook posting pictures of himself flexing in mirrors, updating his status about how much he "tore it up" in the gym, and bitching about fat and lazy people.
Now you may be thinking "Why did it take you this long to take offense at him?"
Well the fact is I can sort of understand hating on fat folks when you have that lifestyle. One cannot possibly punish themselves to that extent without a fair dose of flab-related anger. It's the same reason I don't feel inclined to hate prison inmates for tattooing their faces. Well, not really, but just nod and smile. My point is, inside every obsessive weightlifter is a child terrified of being picked on for being fat. If anything, I applaud the heavyset folks who just sucked it up and owned it as an adult instead of freaking out about it and becoming a freak on the opposite end of the spectrum.

Regardless, here's the transcript of our pleasant exchange (I omitted others' comments for the sake of not making you want to stab your eyes out):

(his status) - "What is it with Seattle and the fuckin dykes? Ok so youre a chick and you want a chick. But why the short hair and shit? So you hate men but want one that looks and acts like one?? Fuckin imbeciles"

(me) - "What is it with dudes who get all buff for no reason? Ok so you want to look all yoked to get chicks. But why the huge muscles and shit? So you hate girly men but you want a girl who looks and acts like one? Yada yada"

(him) - " Pascual, get fucked. If you dont agree with what i say, ignore it or dont comment. If i vant state my opinion here where can i? Faggot."

My response in the end was that I figured since he broadcast it on his Facebook status, he would have expected some kind of negative response. I mean that's a pretty strong thing to say to be surprised that someone disagreed. OK, I admit I could have been a bit more diplomatic. The thing is, when I see something like that, I can hardly expect that the person is capable of having a serious conversation about the ramifications of their comments. Sometimes I'm just inclined to pull out the big guns. No pun intended. Wait, pun very intended. Because I'm clever as shit. If I get you to call me "faggot", I win. Forever.

That's my story for tonight. No real moral to it other than "If you act like an asshole, Pascual will probably flip it on you".

1 comment:

  1. Why does he even care about someone elses fasion statement? Pascual, you are amazing, but you knew that.
