Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Day four on day four.

In the interest of not falling behind, I figured I could share some thoughts about today on the DAY IT HAPPENED! I know, your mind is blown.

Anyhoo, I just got back from a late lunch where we bitched about the politics of the college I work at (yeah, I'm so smart I get PAID to go to college motherfucker). I had a salad. Not because salad is my secret weapon, but because burritos were the other option, which would be detrimental to my progress. This does not mean that burritos are not the world's greatest food, as I've argued many times, it just means that my body is currently comprised of burritos and I'm working on changing that. This ain't a spare tire and love handles, this is a fleshy sack of burritos just waiting to be consumed by my body.

Next topic.

I've been reading/watching a lot of material on weight loss just to see what people are saying and weighing it against what actual scientists have established through study and testing. Actual scientists, as opposed to dieticians and 'fitness experts' spend a lot of time in school and generally work toward understanding the problem itself rather than finding quick fixes for it. I've been seeing some very clear conflicts in information between the 'experts' and the experts with degrees and experience and it troubles me. I'm apt to start haranguing on this topic as soon as I've got the time and motivation to do so.

What I will do right now is offer that my first bit of advice to anyone who's interested in approaching any kind of diet and exercise regimen is that they should be exceedingly skeptical of anything that costs money, short of any credible scientific literature on adiposity and obesity.
I hypothesize that these "diet gurus" like people to stay fat so they can sell books. The common thread with the most popular fad diets is that they tend to have some very quick short-term results (i.e. juice diets), but over the long haul you will either not keep it off, or your progress will stall out. The "stall out" approach is best because they can just say "oh, well you just need to buy my next video/book/diet plan to continue seeing results".

Again, this is just my hypothesis, so feel free to try and find information to the contrary. Though you won't, because I'm right 100 percent of the time at least 60 percent of the time.

You're welcome, world.

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