Wednesday, August 24, 2011

There are no Speed Limits on the Road to Excellence

I was just perusing my Facebook feed when I noticed the status "There are no speed limits on the road to excellence". Am I the only person who finds motivational BS like this exceedingly annoying? I mean, fine, they're insinuating that in the pursuit of great things, there are no limits. But that's still annoying bullshit because everything in life has limits. I always wonder if those ripped-ab swollen-pec assholes in the Bowflex commercials are to blame for people giving up on the pursuit of physical improvement. You look at people like that and think to yourself "if I work hard enough, I'll look like that". Sorry kids, but there's this thing called genetics and just about every chance you have of looking a certain way is dependent on those pesky little genes. Sure, most people can be "average" looking in body type if they work hard enough, but there are a very select mesomorphic few that have the genes to build these ridiculous piles of meat on their frames.
Seriously, look at a picture of a marathon. Sure, a lot of them are really lean, but if you look very closely, there are quite a few average-looking folks in there. They still run six billion miles a week like everyone else there, yet they never turn into these string-bean runners you picture in your head when you think of olympic hurdle jumpers. The fact is that not everyone's going to be built like that, no matter what.

Anyway, back to my whiskey. End of rant.

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