Wednesday, August 24, 2011

There are no Speed Bumps on the Road to Mediocrity

So I gave it some thought, and realized the only time you're likely to see a path with no limitations. It's the path to a middle-of-the-road, low-expectation goal. Now, bear with me here, this is going to get messy.

Don't expect much.

I don't mean "don't try", I just mean, "don't expect much". I've learned the secret to my relative "success" in life came from beginning every undertaking with no real expectations. I've always tried to appreciate the journey more than the destination. This blog is a great example of that so far, as I always just start typing with no real goal in mind. If you end up being entertained, perfect. That's awesome. If not, you obviously have no taste and should go read Bill O'Reilly's blog and eat some powdered milk.

Back to the topic of no expectations. It's like just slapping the paintbrush to canvas and seeing what masterpiece transpires. I think my life has been a series of unplanned and unexpected occurrences so far and it's been pretty incredible. This mentality lends well to my "weight loss". I'm not really looking for a goal weight, just losing it as best I know how.

Enjoy the ride people, because the destination is a box in six feet of dirt.

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