Monday, August 22, 2011

End of day 2. Sort of.

I'm at my desk at work right now and I feel like wrapping up the daily bloggings before I head home.
I'm feeling pretty good today. I mean, why wouldn't I? I'm fucking amazing. But I digress. The progress is there, at least in the sense of me managing not to stuff 26 cupcakes into my speak-hole. But seriously, I don't really eat like that.
Maybe that's the problem with all this weight loss crap. I never did eat that poorly, save for some regular beer-guzzling, and even then it wasn't an everyday thing (though, not to say I wouldn't make a fucking incredible alcoholic, You know, the kind of dude where the party just kind of happens around him). But I digress again. This blog is about a fat guy trying to be less fat without being less lazy.

I read this book a while back called "Why We Get Fat" by Gary Taubes. It's kind of a more-palatable interpretation of his book "Good Calories Bad Calories", which is just a science-heavy book about adiposity. Yes, that word again. Adiposity. It means "of or pertaining to fat", and adipose is the kind of cell that fat cells are.
The cool thing about these books is they're not diet books, which is a fucking relief because I'd rather walk barefoot on Legos all day than read a goddamned diet book. You know what I'm talking about. Taubes basically explains how fat works and what it does in your body in a way the layman can understand. Now, there will be people who disagree with what is laid out in the book, but you'd be hard pressed to find scientists who study this shit among those people. It's not controversial that fat cells grow from the presence of triglycerides, and the assembly and disassembly of triglycerides in the fat cells are dependent on insulin. When insulin levels are spiked, the body stores those fuckers in the fat cells and they have a real hard time breaking them down again until something called ketosis happens. Well, that's kind of jumping ahead, but it makes me sound smart as fuck when I say stuff like that.

Anyway, there's part of my 'secret'. Bam.

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