Sunday, August 28, 2011

Drum roll please...

Well well well... It has been a good week of both weight-related and life-related progress, and I'm glad to say the results are more than satisfactory in all areas.
Though this life-relat
ed progress in the form of home buying brings a level of stress, I've managed to make stress my bitch and keep my resolve. This "diet" is extremely easy to stick with (thank Odin I don't have a sweet tooth) so I really can't say it's been a rough road. But that's a good thing. I hate how fucking hard it is to restrain one's self and anything that doesn't require a large amount of work or major lifestyle change is perfect for me. With that said, let's talk results. As you can see in the above image, I started the week at 271.6 - a formidable weight for a linebacker or MMA fighter, but not so much for a lazy asshole like myself. Most of this weight was actually in the form of my ego, though. Of course my ego is in my stomach, so there is a tangible element to it.
So, with a week of mainly watching carbs and sugars and absolutely no adjustment to caloric intake other than making sure I hit 2000-2500 (ish - I don't count) despite the carbs, I've lost some decent weight.

Drum roll please....

So there you have it - 263.4 lbs, a total loss of 8.2 lbs. I couldn't have done it without you. No, I take that back, there have been a lot of naysayers. I could have definitely done it without you.
But back to the point. That's more than a pound a day. I'm telling you, science is a much better thing to base losing weight on than what "experts" who have five years experience as a clerk at GNC or 24-Hour Fitness say. Really. Biology, motherfucker.
My goal is to get around my brother's weight, which is probably another 30lbs from here, but my estimations have me there in probably four months. Weight loss usually slows as you get closer to normal weight. Whatever 'normal' is.

Lastly, before any of you start giving me lectures like "oh, you'd lose weight faster if you did ___", let it go. I'm losing weight without effort, and that's way better than busting my ass and eventually de-motivating myself and getting fat again. Also, I'll follow this up with an explanation as to why too much exercise causes weight gain.

Seeya in the funny papers!

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