Monday, September 19, 2011

Holy shit! He lives!

Hey kids;
I know it's been a while since my last post, but I got tired of you and needed a break. Just kidding. I've just been really busy. Avoiding you.
So it's a few weeks in, and I have lost a decent amount of weight (probably 20 lbs or so, but who's counting? Oh right, I am.) I intentionally jumped off the wagon for our annual Fiestas De Santa Fe because you're an idiot if you don't eat fried food and drink beer at a festival of that magnitude. Even if you're pregnant and there's a fire. Seriously, you don't want to leave behind a charred, pregnant corpse without a funnel cake or Navajo Taco and a beer in your hands.

Since then, I've really cracked down on my diet; being extremely good about avoiding carbs, and packing in upwards of 2500-3000 calories a day. It has accelerated the last couple pounds of weight loss and I expect that this speed should be steady for the next 10 lbs or so. I'm cruising toward 250 (which would put me at an overall loss of 27 lbs and 24 since the beginning of this "experiment"). Remember: I'm no more active than I previously was.

This brings me to my next step. I think I've demonstrated good evidence that diet is at the crux of weight loss, but the one thing I can't avoid is the fact that I'll probably look kinda flabby as I thin out. I'm going to be starting a low-impact toning regimen (light weights, lots of reps) just to firm up a bit. I assure you, this will be minimal physical exertion so I don't want any of you piping up about how my working out is doing it and not my diet. We're already past that. And I'm smarter than you. So shush! Also, it's not going to take much, because I'm not that fat, dammit.

I just have big ass and stomach bones.


  1. Does that mean you also get big stomach boners?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I'm 11 days into the diet in the appendix of Gary Taubes' book. So far, after 11 days, I'm 15 lbs lighter than I was before. I've been devoted to sticking to the regimen, though, with the exception of eating pepperoni slices that I didn't realise were high in carbs (6 grams per 2 slices--yikes!). So far, I've inspired 4 other people to start the diet, 3 of whom are reading or have read the book. I've impelled a few others to read the book and consider the diet, too.
    I've gone a day or two, here and there, without losing weight, usually only to find that the day after, I lost 2 or 2.5 lbs during that duration. I estimate my average daily weight-loss at 1.5lbs/day by eating 2500ish calories a day (though I don't really keep track) and keeping my GI intake at or below 25 grams of carbohydrates.

  4. Excellent! I've been using a fairly liberal version of the diet (only limiting to about 50 carbs a day), but I'm doing an induction type phase for this week just to see what happens.

  5. I've been limiting myself to 35 carbs a day to prepare for my wedding dress fitting in two weeks. It would be Hell expect I get to eat a lot of bacon. Yum, bacon. Yes diet has everything to do with it! I hired a personal trainer and was working out hard 3 days a week for two months. I didn't lose a pound until I cut out the carbs!

  6. Awesome Rain! Yeah, the health benefits of exercise are definitely there, but in terms of weight loss, your ability to mitigate fat is a slave to your diet only.
