Sunday, September 25, 2011

Getting to the bottom of the slow-down.

It's been a week of +/- a few pounds between 256 and 260 pounds. Though most weight loss is subject to its occasional plateaus and minor gains, it's very frustrating in the light of my previous weeks of success. With that said, I did a lot of snooping this afternoon and decided that it could be three factors.

1: Not enough variety. I might need to mix it up a bit.
2: Artificial sweetener. I drink a good deal of diet and sugar free drinks.
3: Caffeine. I drink a lot of caffeine in the form of coffee and diet coke.

So, it looks like I might just cut sweeteners and caffeine out for a while and try some variation in my diet. The main thing for me is that I don't mind eating the same things most of the time. I'm not a picky eater, so it's really easy for me to just buy products in bulk so I have a lot of food on hand. Having to buy a greater variety of food is more expensive and just not something I care about much. But, I've gotta do what I've gotta do.
Best case scenario I get back on track with dropping the weight and I can carefully introduce things back into my diet.

We shall see. Nooch.

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