Thursday, November 10, 2011

Everyone's an expert.

I made the mistake of commenting in a social forum (Reddit) on a post about a guy eating a Twinkie-only diet to prove that calorie deficit is the key to weight loss.

First off, let me get something off my chest about this (as I was blasted for saying this in the forum), malnutrition causes weight loss.  There.  Eating nothing but sugar and starch for a month doesn't prove calorie deficit any more than it proves that existing on pure garbage will provide nothing for your body to work with.  The fact is that this guy's body was probably burning up muscle and water in place of proper nutrients.
Bottom line, fuck that guy.

Which brings me to my gripe.

"What?  He's griping?  I've never heard him gripe!" you're probably exclaiming.

It's true.  I have a gripe.

Every time I talk about lifestyle changes and weight loss in the public realm, some militant motherfucker jumps in to tell me that I'm miscalculating my calories and am, in fact eating less.  This person tells me that thermodynamics dictates that you cannot lose weight without eating fewer calories.  This person tells me that a soy-latte-enema is the only way to lose any weight.
The point is that this person is a giant asshole and has nothing better to do with his/her day than nay say everything a person does to lose weight because it's not their way to lose weight.  I find the world of health and diet to be chock full of zealous people just waiting to tell everyone else that they're wrong.  Two posts ago I mentioned a few types within this group.  The internet expert is the other one.  Fuck that guy.

Anyway, I don't feel like going much further into this as I probably have some damage control to do over at Reddit.  Hope you guys are having a fantastic day and are not jumping up people's asses about their diet!


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